Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Rant: Carrots & Sticks

Two items from Monday Apr 2, one a carrot, one a stick:

1. Stick: In Massachusetts v. the Environmental Protection Agency, the Supreme Court decided that the EPA not only has the authority to regulate greenhouse gases, but has the obligation to do so. No shirking of responsibilities just because you feel like it. The 5-4 decision (is there any other kind these days...?) provides legal support for state laws mandating the development of cleaner cars.

2. Carrot: The Automotive X Prize said they are ready for the public to comment on the proposed guidelines for their clean car competition. You know the X Prize Foundation from the $10 million prize they awarded to the first private group to successfully launch a space vehicle into orbit twice in two weeks. They are doing the same thing for cars: the private group that can build a production ready car capable of 100 mpg wins a to be determined cash prize (probably in $10 million neighborhood.)

Nice symmetry to these both being announced the same day. Let's hope they spur some innovation.

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