Monday, May 12, 2008

Hey, Vinod, Make Up Your Mind!

I'm leery of making this blog an ongoing rant against grain-based biofuels such as ethanol. But lately there's been to many things to, well, rant about.

You know Vinod Khosla: started Sun Microsystems, made truckload of money, began VC-ing andm recently, has been making large investments in the biofuel start ups.

A couple of years ago, Mr. Khosla was on the leading endge of a rush of investment into ethanol. Now he might be getting a little defensive about those investments.

VK in October 2006.

"Challenges certainly exist with ethanol, but none are insurmountable, and – with apologies to Al Gore – the convenient truth is that corn ethanol is a crucial first step toward kicking our oil addiction."
VK on May 2008:
"Certain food-based biofuels like biodiesel have always been a bad idea. Others like corn ethanol have served a useful purpose and essentially are obsoleting themselves. We have eight or nine companies producing alternatives to corn ethanol that will be dramatically cheaper. And I just don't see how corn ethanol producers stay in business."
No, it's not a complete sea change. But methinks that one of the fellas behind the Silicon Valley "Green Rush" into new fuels is second guessing a bit...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not really that surprising. I think it's quite typical from people like Vinod.